Welcome to SLeCAD

The Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD) is a forum of agribusiness business operators, companies, and industries with interests in promoting agribusiness private sector investment and agro-industrialization in the agricultural sector.

As a private sector body, SLeCAD was established with the prime objective of promoting agribusiness private sector development, particularly is establishing platforms and facilitating interactions for agribusiness, partnerships, trade and investment in agriculture in Sierra Leone.

The Chamber represents the voice of the agribusinesses with total commitment to playing a leadership role towards propelling Sierra Leone’s economy to higher heights. As an independent agribusiness support organization, we serve as a link between established agribusinesses, the emerging sector, and government at the various levels while offering our members a myriad of business development support services.

As at now, the Chamber has and will continue to influence government policies and programmes, which will habituate to the good performance of the private sector while promoting the overall development of the Sierra Leone economy.

Our vision is sustainable Agribusiness in Sierra Leone through enhanced productivity and competitiveness at National, Regional and Global Markets.

Join With US

Join with us and become a proud member of SLeCAD. Download membership form, fill it out and come with the form in our office.

Please note the following;

  • Deadline for the submission of all completed application forms is close of business on the 31st october 2023. No Application will be consider after this deadline.
  • Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for interview.

Opportunity Salone Project is part of a large EU funded jobs and growth program implemented by several partners that aim to stimulate job creation by improving the investment climate through enhanced access to finance, improving rural transport infrastructure and upgrading human capital through gender and vocational training and education.

SLeCAD Calls on IMF to cancel SL’s Debt in Support of President Bio’s “Feed Salone” Program

 Freetown, SIERRA LEONEClick here for more on this

Ahmed Nannoh, the Executive Secretary of the Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD), has made an impassioned Plea to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to consider restructuring and cancelling Sierra Leone’s debt to enable the government to fully fund the Feed Salone Project.

Nannoh conveyed his message to journalists at his Bathurst Street Office in Freetown on Tuesday, October 10th, 2023. President Bio, following his re-election, introduced the ambitious “Feed Salone” Program, aimed at combatting hunger within the country.

Highlighting the country’s debt to-GDP ratio, Nannoh stated that it stands at 90-92%. “Easing our debt burden will create room for increased government investment in the agriculture sector, ultimately ensuring the success of the Feed Salone Project,” he expressed.

Nannoh emphasized the paramount importance of achieving self-sufficiency in food production. “Our focus should be on agriculture to drive industrialization and elevate Sierra Leone to a position of strength, he added.

The Executive Secretary also called upon development partners to provide substantial funding for the “Feed Salone” Program to enhance food security, alleviate poverty, generate employment and wealth, and foster inclusive growth. “Feed Salone has the potential to be a game-changer in Sierra Leone,” he asserted.

Nannoh pointed out the significance of agriculture in job creation, stating, “No country in the world has successfully boosted job creation without prioritizing agriculture.’

He praised President Bio’s commitment to agriculture, noting that the President himself has a background in farming, having previously owned tropical Farm, a company engaged in the production and export of organic cocoa to Europe.

Furthermore, Nannoh highlighted the government’s allocation of 10% of the budget to agriculture, in line with the Maputo Declaration, a significant increase from the previous 2.6%.

Among other suggestions, the Executive Secretary recommended that the Sierra Leonean government impose taxes on rice and allocate the funds to support the agriculture sector, thereby promoting market access and enhancing the competitiveness of the private sector and farmers.

Nannoh also urges the Government to review issues related to advance payment guarantees and letters of credit, allowing the private sector to flourish without unnecessary constraints.

In addition, he proposed that the Ministry of Agriculture utilize the Agribusiness investment Policy, funded by the World Bank SCADeP, to promote the “Feed Salone” Program.

The Executive Secretary encourages mining companies to contribute to the Government’s effort to support “Feed Salone” by increasing their royalties from the current 3%.

Lastly, Nannoh called upon the government to conduct feasibility studies that would attract greater private sector, ultimately realizing the goals of the “Feed Salone” initiative. He also advocate for the establishment of agriculture insurance to mitigate risks in the sector and for the mapping and registration of Lands owned by Sierra Leoneans, which could be used as collateral for accessing Finance.

SLeCAD Successfully Accomplished Good Agricultural Practices (Gap) Training For 600 Cashew Farmers In Bombali And  Portloko, Karene and Kambia Districts in S/Leone

The Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness development (SLeCAD) with funding support from the International Trade Centre (ITC) SheTrades West Africa Project build the capacity in Gender Inclusive Outreach and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) training for 600 Cashew Farmers, SMEs and Traders. The objective of the training is to build the skills and improve the knowledge of 600 women and youths Cashew value chains farmer, SMEs and Traders in Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). The training will further identify gender-based constraints, how to address them, raise awareness about these constraints whilst employing best agricultural practices for improved cashew production, harvesting, and post-harvest handling that will facilitate trade and export. This will improve on the income of women and youth farmers, SMEs and traders, ensure increased investment, create jobs and wealth and enhance economic growth.Click here for more on this

During the lunching of the event in Bombali districts, in March 2023, National Coordinator for the SheTrades West Africa Project in Sierra Leone Madam Khadija Barrie stated that, the aim of the project is to improve the position of Gender (Women) in different Agricultural value chains across four West Africa Countries. The project which stated  in 2019 and ends  2023 will ensure that the skills and knowledge of women are improved in Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in cashew farm management, processing, packaging that will enhance jobs and wealth creation goals, improve incomes and ensure inclusive growth.

Madam Khadija further stated that, SLeCAD is been the critical partner of ITC SheTrade West Africa to boost the Agricultural sector in Sierra Leone and ensure inclusive opportunities for women and youths. She inform participants that SLeCAD has a vast knowledge and network working along the agricultural value chains throughout Sierra Leone.  And she also informed participants that ITC and SLeCAD have developed profile stories of outstanding female agri-entrepreneurs in the cashew sector designed to inspire other women to use existing opportunities in their communities to establish successful and sustainable agribusinesses.

In a virtual interview with the Executive Secretary of SLeCAD, Ahmed Nanoh, thanked ITC SheTrades West Africa for the support offered to SLeCAD and S/Leone in ensuring the capacity building of the women and youth cashew farmers in Sierra Leone. Mr. Nanoh stated that the training will improve the skills of the 600 women and youths in  agronomy and cashew orchards management; post-harvest management and quality of cashew products; processing and value addition to cashew and -its by-products; market mechanism, nut and kernel market analysis; business relationships between stakeholders; value chain development; economics of cashew farming and processing, self-financing advice; price analysis and price formation; design and production of teaching/training materials as ToTs. Above all he confirmed that the training will creating awareness to the wider community to recognize women’s economic potential and value for the well-being of households and the community as a whole he asserted. The training will help to transform the women and youths into good private sector operators, create jobs and wealth, reduce poverty, expand government tax base, improve foreign exchange and enhance overall economic growth. 

Representing SLeCAD at the workshop as facilitator Saidu issa Kamara express thanks and Appreciations to the International Trade Centre SheTrades West Africa for their support in capacitating the chamber. The impact this training will bring to the chamber membership cannot be overemphasize as the training methodology and approach is quite special and practical saidu ascends. He also admonished participants to value this opportunity as this training will help them on;

  • Who does what in Cashew
  • Good Agricultural practices in cashew
  • Gender stereotypes

And many other important areas within their farming activities. He concluded that, if farmers make good implementation of the knowledge they will be acquiring on this all important training they will surly see a huge increase on their production.

The Chamber of Agriculture (SLeCAD) and International Trade Centre (ITC), West Africa Competitive Programme (WACOMP) Trained 30 Agribusiness Companies, SMEs and Cooperatives to improve on the business environment & trade Through Advocacy

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The International Trade Centre (ITC) West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP) funded by the European Union (EU) and managed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in collaboration with Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD) conducted a three-day training on Advocacy Skills and Public-Private Dialogue for 30 Agribusiness Companies, SMEs, Cooperatives from Kono districts, Kailahun, Bo, Moyamba, Pujehun, Bonthe districts respectively. The training was held from 24th to 26th January 2023, in Dohas Hotel Bo City. The objective of the training is to build on the advocacy and lobbying capacities of existing cooperatives, SMEs, Agribusiness companies and sector associations to improve on the Business Environment and Trade Integration for The Cocoa, Cassava and Palm Oil value chains in Sierra Leone. ITC has been working in close cooperation with SLeCAD, an organization with long standing expertise and broad membership in the agribusiness and agriculture sectors in Sierra Leone and around the globe. This activitiy relates to providing support to key institutions like SLeCAD in the provision of services to their members and engagement in effective policy dialogue with the government on sensitive topics for farmers, producers and exporters (access to inputs; product inspection rules; etc.). In his opening statement the SLeCAD Executive Secretary and CEO of SLeCAD Mr. Ahmed Nanoh welcomed the participants to the training session and encourage them to use the session as an opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in advocacy to ensure the improvement of the business environment and trade integration for cocoa, cassava, and oil palm that are key commodities for export for S/Leone that will create jobs and wealth, reduce poverty and enhance economic growth in support of the Government New Direction Agenda.   He said that the business environment has a lot of challenges and retapes in the government corridors and need the high-level advocacy skills of the agribusiness value chains operators to unlock the Agribusiness and Agro-industrial potential for the betterment of S/Leone. This could only change if the private continue to engage the public sector to bring the desired changed, he stated.  He encouraged the participant not to mix politics with business as it will always end to be a defunct business. He said that the agribusiness sector is the largest private sector in the country and if properly managed it should be able to create the needed jobs for the youths, and women in S/Leone where there will be no need for the citizens of S/Leone go for greener pasture overseas. He said, if S/Leone could manage the agriculture sector well the country will be one of the best economise in the sub-region but this could only be achieved through advocacy and public private dialogue.  He further emphasised that the training will also provide the  introduction to the principles and key functions of trade-related advocacy and policy dialogue, share practical examples on how trade-related advocacy and policy dialogue can contribute to improve livelihoods and performances of your members and clients, improve on participant skills to discuss key linkages between domestic business environment and international trade agreements, help to address opportunities and challenges for Sierra Leone’s businesses in the agricultural sector. Mr Siaka Kawa, the ITC WACOMP National coordinator, commended the effort of SLeCAD in advocacy and confirmed that ITC finds it vital to partner with SLeCAD to champion the training of agribusiness private sector companies, SMEs and Cooperative in the cocoa, cassava and oil palm to improve on the business environment especially in the area of export promotion and trade integration that will help the Sierra Leone economy to grow and reduce poverty. He said the ITC is excited to support the training since it will unlock the potential of the agriculture sector and promote internal and regional trade key to the economic growth of every country. He encourages the participants to be focused and take the training seriously to enhance their business growth through improved business environment. In his vote of thanks, Mr. Ibrahim Bockarie Sannoh, Coordinator for Heuwolacheo Cooperative thanked ITC, EU, UNIDO and SLeCAD for offering the Agribusiness Companies, SMEs and Cooperatives the opportunity to be trained in advocacy skills to enhance the improvement of the business environment that promote agribusiness growth. He said that he is coordinating over 2,500 farmers producing cocoa, but stated that the value of S/Leone cocoa in the world market drastically fallen due to poor quality bought from other countries and mixed with S/Leone high quality organic cocoa. He said that there has been non check and balances in the supervision and regulation of the cocoa sector and making the country to lose huge forex that currently negatively impacting on the depreciation of the Leones against the US dollar. He concluded by encouraging all agribusiness private sector players to work with the Chamber head by Ahmed Nanoh to improve on advocacy and make their business competitive and profitable.

In order to chat the way forward in enhancing production and productivity through the private sector the Executive Secretary, Sierra Leone Chamber of Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD), Ahmed Nanoh, has requested that the Minister of Agriculture facilitate a meeting between the Chamber and President Bio.

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Ahmed Nanoh made the above request during a meeting with the Minister at his Youyi Building Office in Freetown, where he recognised board members of the SLeCAD for having gone through trying times to enhance the movement of the Chamber forward. Nanoh further thanked the Minister for the attention given to the private sector within his difficult schedule and also thanked him for establishing the Policy Shift for the first time in history of Sierra Leone to promote the private sector. He noted that even though there were challenges with the implementation, but the fact is that it is operational in all districts within the country and now benefitting farmers and the private sector actors. He said he strongly believes that, with time the structure of the Policy-Shift will be reviewed to improve on service delivery, production and productivity of the agriculture sector. He also thanked the Minister for creating the space for the Chamber to participate in the Ministry’s yearly retreat held in Bo district in which the Chamber made a presentation with positive discussion held to promote the private sector. Nanoh further highlighted some of the challenges of the private sector which includes access to input and technology, access to organised market, access to finance, competitiveness of the private sector, non-participation of the private sector in overseas meeting, import and export duties and challenges at the Port, standards, packaging, and branding, the problem of feed and vet services for poultry 7 small ruminants and weak coordination between the private sector and the Ministry of Agriculture. In a meeting with members of the Sierra Leone Chamber of Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD), the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Dr. Abubakarr Karim, promised that he was ready and prepared to working with the chamber in order to promote the private sector. He noted that the private sector is always among his topmost priority and that he rescheduled the meeting with them because he had wanted to have enough time at his disposal to meet and discuss critical issues with the agribusiness private sector players and jointly plan to work to implement practical action plan to improve on the business environment. He called on members to work as one and support the president vision for the agriculture sector and mentioned the Policy-Shift, which he said was implemented primarily to boost up the private sector and to promote production and productivity that will help to boost the economy of the country.  The minister acknowledged the work of the Chamber as vital to coordinate the private sector and ensure increase investment in the agriculture sector.  He acknowledged that the Sierra Leone private sector is going through huge challenges especially with lack of access to finance and other resources and the shocks that they do encounter that affect both Government and the sector itself.  He said supporting and capacitating the private sector will promote good policies and bring in development, adding that President Bio has proposed that Agriculture will be his flagship program come his next term and that it will be a big opportunity for the private sector represented by SLeCAD. The Minister also made strong commitment to work towards the completion of the SLeCAD office and also informed the president about the opening of the office as that will send a strong message on the commitment of the government on Agriculture. To address the challenges surrounding access to finance, he said Government was working on instituting an agricultural investment bank that will be operational with a single digit. The Minister informed the private sector and that, they were putting more effort to design more workable policies to promote the local private sector as currently investors are investing in places where good policies are implemented. He recognised the need for the public and private sector to work more closely to promote what they  produce and acknowledged the fact that the issue of access to finance is a big challenge, considering the manner at which the economy is slowing down. Deputy Board Chairman of SLeCAD, Chukuma Johnson , said the meeting between the agribusiness private sector operators and the Ministry of Agriculture was a great opportunity for the Chamber and its members to explore the opportunity, engage and discuss vital issues that were limiting the growth of the agribusiness private sector. He informed all that, the Chamber throughout its establishment has achieved multitude of successes that have promoted farmers and Small and Medium Enterprises in the agricultural sector. He noted that there are still many more challenges which the management of the Chamber was always striving to overcome and that the challenges could be easily handled with the help of government. He further informed the Minister and stakeholders of the Ministry that, the Chamber was facing a pressing challenge with regards the completion of it  office that is currently under construction at the Agriculture compound, Lumley Beach Road funded by the World Bank through the SCADeP project. “The Management of the Chamber has made immense effort to get this work completed but the contract has been a headache. It is in connection to such effort that the Chamber and it membership are humbly appealing to the Minister and Team’s intervention to expedite the completion of the Chambers office,” he appealed. Director-General and Chief Agricultural officer, Dr. Mohamed A. Sheriff, said the ministry has given everything to the private sector and encouraged members of the private sector to go and make good use of everything by being progressively inquisitive. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture and members of the Chamber agreed to organizing a public private dialogue either monthly or quarterly and that the ministry should work with commercial banks to move the loan trench from 300 million Leones to 1 billion Leones. They further agreed that the Ministry should inform members of the private sector about unfolding opportunities and that the Ministry should make a way for Bennie mix to go international, decentralize extension services.

Business Development, Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship SKILLS TRAINING for 250 OUTGROWER FARMERS & Agribusiness SMEs funded by EU/BAFS, managed by NAO, supervised by MOA and implemented by SLeCAD and BFC

With support from the European Union under the Boosting Agriculture and Food Security (EU/BAFS) Project, SLeCAD in collaboration with the Bennimix Food Company (BFC) conducted business development and marketing training in Kono, Bombali, Portloko, Bo and Kenema for 250 out grower Farmers and SMEs organized from 20 June to 19th July 2022 .

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The Primary objective of the training is to build the business development, financial literacy, value chains and technology knowledge and skills of 1,500 out grower farmers and SMEs working along the sorghum, pigeon peas and sesame value chain to improve on production, productivity and competitiveness and create wealth and jobs, enhance food security and reduce poverty in the rural communities of Sierra Leone. The training gives the opportunity to the out growers farmers SMEs and agribusiness companies to develop a bankable business plans that will be presented to commercial and community banks to access innovative loans to produce raw materials and market to Bennimix Food Company to process nutritional baby food and adult cereals for the Sierra Leone and export markets. SLeCAD as a private sector Agribusiness platform believe that, implementation of such intervention could be a path way to poverty reduction and improving the effectiveness of farmers that increases production, productivity, competitiveness and business operational sustainability. The training is also expected to improve the knowledge of the selected outgrower farmers to be able to understand marketing, farms management skills, quality of products demanded by consumers. The training was facilitated by SLeCAD Certified BDS professionals in the presence of representatives from the National Authorization Office (NAO), EU/BAFS and the Ministry of Agriculture District Directors and staffs whose contributions were well acknowledged and appreciated by the out-growers farmers and agribusiness SMEs. The NAO Representative Mr. Tucker encourage the farmers to take the training serious and use the skills to produce bankable business plans and access finance to run profitable business. Mr. Gborie the EU/BAFS M&E Officer thanked the trainers and call on the trainee farmers to use the opportunity to operate business that can be used to create jobs and make decent income for their families. SLeCAD Executive Mr. Ahmed Nanoh and the Syngenta Rep Madam Zimuto said that the training is an opportunity for the outgrower farmer to understand product development, market issues in order to improve production and productivity of their SMEs and stay competitive, reduce poverty and enhance economic growth in supporting the government New Direction Agenda. This training will be followed by mentorship and coaching and further training in BDS, Marketing, packaging, standards and branding in 4th quarter of 2022

SLeCAD-Press-Brieffings_July_2022-1 (1)

Click the link Above to Read the Press briefing statement of the Executive Secretary Of SLeCAD Mr. Ahmed Nanoh.

Sierra Leone chamber for Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD) on Thursday 28th October 2021 engage the ministry of Agriculture and forestry on Agricultural transformation.
The meeting took place at the ministry of Agriculture conference hall, Youyi Building in Freetown.
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SLeCAD Board chair, Sadiq Sillah said as a government the minister and his team were putting their best effort to making sure that the nation eventually be food sufficient. He said SLeCAD has been in existence for 15 years and that they have worked with past and present Government for everyone to understand that there is a missing link between Agriculture and what the ministry has been doing across the country. He lamented that the private sector was not involved in the marketing of Agriculture product locally and internationally. Mr. Sillah added that the attractiveness that the ministry would want to give to agriculture would not be easily realized without private sector involvement and that with private sector financing, they would have people who are willing to choose agriculture as their business. Today we are here as good citizens of this country. Mr. Minister, today SLeCAD is everywhere in the country and we do not politicize anything. We also believe in people and their performance.There are people in the meeting that are willing to come and invest in Agriculture, so we are asking for a good responsible partnership with government and institutions, he said. Mr. Sillah said the presentation which was done by the executive secretary of SLeCAD was the ministry to realize the relevance of each other, so that they can work collaboratively to carry not only the message, but the physical action because agriculture should not be done on paper, but in the field. The Executive Secretary of SLeCAD Mr. Ahmed Nanoh, during his presentation on SLeCAD and the private sector activities, said the ministry of Agriculture is important to the country because everyone needs it. He said SLeCAD is a forum of agribusiness operators, companies, and industries with interest in promoting agribusiness, private sector investment and agro industrialization in the agricultural sector, adding that they are everywhere in the country. Mr. Nanoh said as a private sector body, SLeCAD was established with the prime objective of promoting agribusiness, private sector development and particularly establishing platforms and facilitating interaction for Agribusiness, partnerships, trade and investment in agriculture in Sierra Leone. He continued that SLeCAD represent the voice of agribusinesses with total commitment to playing a leadership role towards propelling Sierra Leone’s economy to higher heights, and that their vision is sustainable agribusiness in Sierra Leone through enhanced productivity and competitiveness at National, Regional and Global Markets.The Executive Secretary of SLeCAD said their mandate is to promote and increase private investment in the agriculture sector, facilitate, coordinate and organize activities of all farmers and to ensure the achievement of agro-industrialization, food security and wealth creation in Sierra Leone. He said they are having challenges in willingness to accept policy shift, low crop productivity, poor road network among others, adding that the ministry should creat a day to meet with them once in every month. No country can develops if they don’t have food security. So I am calling on everyone to come together and reduce food insufficiency for us to arrive at the promise land, he said.Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Abu Bakarr Karim, said he was happy to meeting with SLeCAD members because private sector is key to the entire process and that they would find ways to promote agriculture in the country. He said the presentation done was not new to them and that they wanted to know how to mitigate the challenges highlighted in the presentation, to ensure that they attain food security. We all know as part of President Bio’s Human Capital Development drive, agriculture is a big pillar and with food security we will be able to impact positively on the lives of our people, he said. He said SLeCAD is part of the ministry and that they should continue working with SLeCAD to ensure they promote all their activities, adding that they would provide the environment for the private sector to thrive because should the ministry want to succeed in Agriculture they should bring onboard the private sector. We know our private sector is not strong and the only way we can make it strong is by creating the platform or giving them the necessary support so that they can also grow, and we also want the private sector to stand on its own. I will work with SLeCAD to ensure that they produce the best product and for them to deliver on their key areas. My ministry and the government are working together to set up an investment bank for farmers to have a loan, he promised.


The nutrition mapping Exercise is organized by SUN Secretariat office of the vice president to collect accurate Data which will help to guard SUN effort to end Malnutrition.

As SUN is playing a coordinating role representing the Government of Sierra Leone under the office of the vice president, this effort will help determine the nutrition status of the country in order to initiate interventions that will salvage the problem of Malnutrition within Sierra Leone.                    

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  Another key objective of this exercise is to help Government and Donor partners to capture knowledgeable Data that will help in resource Mobilization and also for stakeholders to amalgamate to work out the way forward ending malnutrition in Sierra Leone.Delivering a statement during this remarkable event, the Executive Secretary of Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD) Mr. Ahmed Nanoh Commend the leadership of SUN for their effort towards ending Malnutrition in the country. He further Elaborate on multitude of successful collaborative effort between SUN Secretariat and SLeCAD in promoting issues of nutrition in Sierra Leone and helping SUN to achieve it Objectives in diverse ways. As the chamber always organize and coordinate it membership all over the country to see that objectives of SUN secretariat are achieved. Mr. Ahmed Nanoh finally admonish data collectors from all District that, this event is stage to build their capacity and it is their mandate to make sure they execute their best to achieve the goal of this all important event. He huge them to go out and take prudent actions in collecting Quality data from stakeholders in the nutrition chain that will help SUN and the Government to make informed decisions on ending Malnutrition in Sierra Leone. The Event was later lunch by a representative of the minister of State Office of the vice President.



Among eminent stakeholders representing the private sector as team lead for the food system dialogue was the executive secretary of SLeCAD Mr. Ahmed Nanoh. Mr. Nanoh being a technical committee member for the food system, the regional curator for the northwest region and team lead for key private sector express profound gratitude for being part of the validation exercise as it is an important event haven gone through the process in the northwest region. He ascend that multitude of private sector were involve in the entire process and make significant input in the development of the food system document. He further by extending thanks to the Government especially the convenor Hon. Minister of state Office of the Vice president who display unique leadership skills in putting together all relivant stakeholders to reach were we are today.

As private sector, they have play fundamental role through engaging the government and all key stakeholders in getting the food system right. As private sector they are contributing to national development through the government agenda Mr. Nanoh asserted.

After making significant input in to this document as private sector, we are here today to make a thorough review on some of the input made and validate them to become a national blue print on the food system document.

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However, the Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD) as a leading private sector player working with other Agribusiness private sector players has been working towards the development of Agriculture not only today but ten years back working with the ministry of Agriculture and ministry of Trade. Having gone through the Dialogue through out the Northwest, most of the issues that came up are critical challenges that have been affecting the private sector. Issues ranging from access to finance, Market access and why Sierra Leone has not been able to get our own market share in the international market. And these are key issues that the food system is trying to address. Issues that have to do with Business environment, Technology and input. And Mr. Nanoh finally remind participants that, the purpose of this validation is to look into all those issues wether they are properly address in the document. As private sector, they see it as opportunity in as much as the country is facing huge challenges in all of the issues highlighted. As private sector they are prepared to contribute in salvaging the problems of :

  1. Closing the gap on our import expenses which Government is spending huge resources on ( Up to $ 400,000,000 )
  2. To promote the protein requirement within the country.
  3. Solving the problems of Babe food imported into the country                        The above are all challenges the food system is going to Address according to Mr. Nanoh on behalf of the private sector. He concluded his statement by thanking the office of the Vice president, the national coordinator, the technical team and the Minister of Agriculture for their relentless effort in getting the job done.

SLeCAD Completed Ten Days Business Plan Documentary Training for 96 SME’s  For SCADeP.

The Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness Business Development (SLeCAD) as a partner to the world Bank funded SCADeP project, with supervision by the Ministry of Agriculture and forestry together with the Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) completed ten days of business plan documentary training for 96 SMEs that fall within the SCADeP supported Value chains (Rice, Oil palm, Cocoa, poultry and Onions), there were five batches in three regional stations, Pot Loko one batch, Makeni two batches and Bo two batches respectively. The purpose of this training is to put all shortlisted SMEs on a level playing ground for a healthy and bias-free competition since the business plan will be used to get the final list, this statement was made by the Grant manager of SCADeP PCU Alimamy Kargbo, at every opening session for each batch. For each batch at each station, the grant manager presented the overview of the Small holder Commercialization and Agribusiness Development Project

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(SCADeP) ranging from the Background, Components, Funding Allocation and Key Achievements so far.

He also presented the overview of the Agribusiness Service Match Grant (ASMG) and the road map for the second call as of date. He continues to say that the shortlisting is done by the grant technical committee of SCADeP, this committee is composing of public and private institutions working together in implementing the SCADeP project. He also cautions the shortlisted SMEs that nobody has the right to take money from you as a way of benefiting from the SCADeP project not even myself, the process will be free and fear, even if I don’t like you will not stop you to be part of the beneficiaries only if you present the right business plan.

The sole aim of the training is the support in building the
capacity of the shortlist SMEs for healthy competition in the final round of
shortlisting, The objective of the training is:

  1.          To improve on the knowledge base on business operations
    cycle for 96 SMEs
  2.          To improve on the Budget and financial
    management for 96 shortlisted SMEs
  3.          To improve on the Knowledge on four stages in
    business plan
  4.          To improve on the knowledge on how to ask for
    loan or grant from financial institution


Mr. Ahmed Nanoh the executive secretary of The Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD) and also doubles as the regional curator for the North West region champion this all important event.

After giving an overview of the said event, Mr. Ahmed Nanoh took his time to Mentor all participant through some motivational statements and Advice participants to do Justice to this document as it is a national call and not a political thing. He further elaborate on the benefit this document will bring to the entire world if given the utmost attention it requires.

He further Lament on the Background to UN interest in Food system. And remind participant that, the United Nation recognizes food as a very critical element of life and it underpins our culture, our economy and our relationship with the natural world.  It is in connection with the above mentioned the United Nation Secretary General calls on all world Leaders to  take part in a summit that will help establish the future direction for food systems and accelerate collective action on the following premises;click here for more

  • Support increase recognition that transforming food system must be central in the efforts to achieve all the 17 SDG’s by 2030.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic shows the fragilities and inequality in food systems and underscores the urgent needs to ensure that food systems are more sustainable, inclusive and resilient.

Mr. Ahmed Nanoh stated it clearly that, the United Nation recognize that everyone inputs is meaningful and will play significant role in the development of any policy. It is with such believed the United Nation Secretary General calls on world leaders to follow the bottom to top Approach in developing the food system.

Mr. Ahmed Nanoh further makes a comprehensive explanation on the following areas:

1. What a sustainable food system is? And outline the following as a bid in answering the aforementioned question:

It is profitable throughout (economic sustainability);

It has broad-based benefits for society (social sustainability);  and

-It has a positive or neutral impact on the natural environment (environmental sustainability).

1. A break down on the structure of the Food System National Dialogue.

2. Expected outcome of the National Dialogue.

3. Status of the Food system Dialogue in the Country.

In his concluding submission Mr. Ahmed Nanoh emphasize on the critical role this document will play in drawing the attention of the United Nation in supporting our beloved country and appeal to participants to put all their best by making meaningful contribution towards the development of this document.



Continuous dialogue and exchange of perspectives between Government and private sector and other stakeholders, are crucial to creating a supportive business environment at home and leveraging on trade openness in regional and global markets.

As the Government of Sierra Leone is striving to further improve the business environment for trade competitiveness, the role of business advocacy and policy dialogue with the Government cannot be overestimated; to identify areas and solutions for improvement through new domestic reforms, and or better implementation of existing policies.

As such, the private sector can play an important role in advocating for the mainstreaming of regional and multilateral trade agreements into national policies. This can contribute to the development of all sectors and value chains as well as priority sectors such as the cocoa, palm oil and cassava agri-value chains under the WACOMP Sierra Leone Program.

This 2-days training entitled ‘Trade-related advocacy and public private dialogue: insights and perspectives for improving agri-sector competitiveness in Sierra Leone’ is organised for public and private sector representatives will be the start of a series of advocacy and public private dialogue activities under the WACOMP Sierra Leone Programme.


This training for selected TSI’s and their member’s active in the agri-sector, has the following objectives:

  • To provide an introduction to the principles and key functions of trade-related advocacy and policy dialogue
  • To share practical examples on how trade-related advocacy and policy dialogue can contribute to creating a conducive business environment at home and better trade competitiveness abroad.
  • Introduce key linkages between domestic business environment and international trade agreements (FTA)’s, pan-African (ACFTA) and international trade agreements (EU, WTO).
  • Exchange and discuss how improved trade related advocacy and dialogue can support trade competitiveness of Sierra Leone’s businesses in the agri-value chains, as result of improved domestic business environment and taking advantage of (trade) agreements, at home and abroad.


The Sierra Leone Chamber For Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD) A Leading Private Sector Agribusiness Institution Has Ended A Validation Process Of Their Strategic Plan At Radisson Blue Hotel.


(1)  Partnership collaboration
(2)  Membership Capacity building
(3)  To prioritize production amongst the different activity plans
(4)  Gender mainstreaming in different programs and events

It can be recalled that the Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness Development is an institution created by Agribusiness Private sector players with support fromContinue

the government and other international partners, this was forced in hand hearing to specific protocols from ECOWAS an AU with a single motive to help in improving the agricultural production landscape in Sierra Leone through public-private partnership. Since then the chamber has been a shore for hosting small, medium and large Agribusiness. 11 years from now the plan of the chamber has aged for the current production trend, this in one way had dwindled the flow of the chamber’s activities. The board and management of the chamber have been working with partners to get an up-to-date strategic plan.

The International Trade Canter ITC  had been a fruitful partnership in getting this document which will carry the guiding principles of the chamber for the next 5 years. Their technical expertise shown in putting this work together had put a smile on the faces of membership of the chamber.

The focus of the strategic plan is to get the road map of the institution for the next five years (2021 –2025) and programs and activities the chamber will concentrate on in preferential other, this will picture out the activities, indicators for a measurable outcome.

SLeCAD and SCADeP Empower Farmers on Marketing, Standards and Quality Trainings in Bo and Kenema

The Smallholder Commercialisation Agribusiness Development Project (SCADeP) as World Bank funded project  managed and supervised by MAF has funded under the partnership support funds The Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD), and the Standards Bureau, to conduct specialised trainings in Marketing, Packaging, and Branding for agribusinesses, SMEs  and farmers  in the Southern and Eastern region of S/Leone.  

 The two days training which was organised in Bo city at the Agricultural Compound started on Thursday, March 25th 2021 and ended on the 26th March 2021 with the theme ‘Strengthening of Agribusiness SMEs Capacity in Marketing and Standards.’

The main objective of the training was to build the marketing, product development, packaging, labelling, branding and standards development capacities of SCADeP and SLeCAD supported agribusinesses, SMEs and Out growers in Sierra Leone to be able to have a competitive edge in the market place and run profitable and successful businesses create jobs and wealth, expand government tax base and ensure economic growth.

click here for more

Trainers included officials from the Sierra Leone Standard Bureau, SLeCAD, SCADeP, and the Ministry of Agriculture, while the trainees include Agribusinesses, SMEs, farmers operating in the rice, cocoa, poultry, palm oil, cashew, cassava, soya beans, gari, maize and sorghum products value chains.

Giving an overview of SLeCAD, Executive Secretary of SLeCAD, Ahmed Aki Nanoh, explained that the aforementioned project has been executed in Sierra Leone under the Ministry of Agriculture with support from USAID, World Bank, and EPP/GiZ since 2008.

He mentioned that the purpose of  SLeCAD is to work with the Ministry  of Agriculture, other MDS  and partners to prepare farmers and agribusiness SMEs  to develop private sector mindset, be industrialised and become investment ready through trainings that will make them to follow standards and inculcate good marketing practices so that their agricultural products will thrive in the local and international markets.

According to him, the activities of SLeCAD will help form a formidable private sector that will make the work of the ministry visible, and, by extension, positively impact on the economy of the country, by saving the 250 million United States Dollars spent on annual importation of rice alone, adding that if 50 million Dollars is given to each region, the country will be saved not only be poverty free but will be fee from food insecurity.

The Executive Secretary said SLeCAD is working with the World Trade Organization (WTO), International Trade Centre (ITC), the UN country Office and International Finance Cooperation (IFC), to develop a strategic plan used by the Chamber that will take Sierra Leone Agribusinesses and SMEs product internationally and help bridge the gap of food insecurity and poverty.

He noted that the role of  the Ministry of Agriculture is to support with policies and technical know-how, that will be transferred to the private sector which will in turn help create jobs, reduce poverty and to make life better for all.

 He said that agribusiness industrialisation is key for the economic transformation of Sierra Leone and that cannot be achieved without Agribusinesses and SMEs complying with entrepreneur’s skills, standards, packaging, branding, and labelling. He emphasised that SMEs and  farmers making the effort to acquire skills and knowledge of entrepreneurships, marketing and standards will attract financial services providers to finance their businesses.

In his statement, SCADeP representative southern region, and Team Lead for Value Chain Promotion Officers, Francis Sam Gbeinga, thanked SLeCAD for organizing such all-important program, noting that SCADeP is a sister project under MAF and partnering with SLeCAD, that seeks to promote agricultural productivity through linkages in selected value chains and improved access to markets, finance to ensure the development of inclusive smallholder farmer in targeted project areas of Sierra Leone.

He noted that if local farmers engage in large scale commercial  farming and quality productivity it will help augment agricultural growth required to reduce extreme levels of poverty among smallholder farmers and promote nationwide economic growth.

He encouraged the agribusiness’, SMEs and farmers to engage in the production of high standard quality products  will increase their market potential and ensure better price offers for their products.

Manager for Standards Department of the Sierra Leone Standards Bureau, Abdul Aziz Kamara, encouraged the Agribusiness Farmers to adhere to standards, adding that branding, packaging, and labelling are all requirements of standards.

He described standards as a norm and a way of life and admonished farmers to make sure they take their product to Standards Bureau to conduct measurement, fix expiring date, lab test and more. He said failing to follow those processes will amount to a crime and product of such cannot be put to market for sales or exported.

Mr. Aiah J. Thorlie, Director of Agricultural Extension in the Ministry of Agriculture, told the farmers that the only avenue left for government to supporting farmers is through the private sector, noting that by the next farming season, the private sector will be providing seedlings, fertilizers and machines for agribusiness farmers. He spoke about the Government new policy shift which is a good policy for private sector and will aid the transformation the agricultural sector and ensure improved industrialisation and enhance economic growth  for the country.

He commended SLeCAD for organizing such a useful training, adding that the aforementioned is a body that is responsible for information flow, giving technical advice, and capacitating producers  and processors of farm products, making it the body that will be directly interfacing with the farmers.

At the end of the training, agribusiness farmers expressed gratitude to SLeCAD and its partners for the wonderful capacity building training and promise to strictly put in practice what they have learnt within the two days


SLeCAD And SCADEP Educate Farmers on marketing, Standards and Quality Trainings in South East

IOM Sierra Leone Diaspora Agribusiness Conference Day 1 Presentation by SLeCAD and Expert

As a private sector body, SLeCAD was established with the prime objective of promoting agribusiness private sector development, particularly is establishing platforms and facilitating interactions for agribusiness, partnerships, trade and investment in agriculture in Sierra Leone.